Michael W. Stich

Michael W. Stich
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Stich studied Business Administration at the University of Regensburg and the Catholic University of Leuven (2004-2009). After his studies, he was a Research Assistant at the Ruhr-University Bochum where he received his Ph.D. in finance and auditing in 2011. From 2012 to 2017, he was junior professor for accounting with a focus on empirical methods and issues at the School of Business and Economics at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. From 2017 to 2021, he was professor of Empircal Accounting (Value and Risk) at the University of Cologne. Since April 2021, he is professor of Accounting at TUM Campus Heilbronn. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of the publication of financial and non-financial corporate information, and moreover, how accounting standards affect the behavior of social decision makers directly and / or indirectly.

Risks and Side Effects of Accounting Standards for Sustainable Management

For several years, society is trying hard to use available resources sustainably. Various initiatives and legislation on a national, European and international level make companies focus on sustainable and long-term goals. However, some accounting standards at the European level are suspected to undermine these goals indirectly. For example, it is speculated that the duty to report quarterly makes managers come to short-term – and often less sustainable – entrepreneurial decisions.

The research project scrutinzes such indirect, potentially adverse effects of accounting standards on sustainable management.