Mission and Vision
“We create cohesion, we design change, and we realize innovation through interdisciplinary top-level research in an international network. Through this, we aim at contributing to responsible action in business and society.”
Based on the research focus of the School of Business, Economics and Society “Creating Cohesion – Designing Change – Realizing Innovation”, the Dr. Theo and Friedl Schöller Research Center supports top-level research in Nuremberg within an international context. Namely by creating and cultivating an international research network of outstanding scholars and establishing vibrant research collaborations with local roots and global outreach.
The Schöller Research Center grants research fellowships for outstanding scholars on an annual basis in the following two categories:
• Schöller Senior Fellows for internationally renowned scholars and
• Schöller Fellows for promising early-career scholars (including assistant professors, postdocs and outstanding PhD students)
By its fellowhips, the Schöller Research Center supports research projects of national and international scholars, which are conducted in collaboration with the professors of the School of Business, Economics and Society.
The Schöller Research Center is funded by the Theo and Friedl Schöller-Foundation. It is unique in its form in Bavaria and serves as a model for interdisciplinary, cooperative research to strengthen responsible behavior in business and society.